
Written by 琪子 on 05月 15th, 2005


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昨天晚上出去看了场演出,LCD Soundsystem和M.I.A.。M.I.A.是新近走红的一位英籍斯里兰卡裔美女饶舌歌手,演出过程中场内有很多粉丝大呼小叫。我们听了到没觉得怎么样,无非就是重音鼓点+印度民俗风味+吊尾音。和后来的LCD演出真是没的比。四五个人,键盘吉他歌手两副鼓,嘶喊敲打至酣处全场一起摇头点头窜上跳下挥汗如雨地抽筋。KICK ASS!
早上听了一个NPR “This American Life”的录音。“这种美国生活”讲的都是真实生活中的凡人琐事。今天听的这一集讲的都是生活在边缘的人们。其中有一个小故事很有意思。西福及尼亚州有一个家庭,爸爸妈妈加上六个孩子,为了爸爸自耕自种自用的一小块大麻地,过了七年的逃亡生活,从乡村逃到船上逃到树上,最终还是没有躲过FBI的追捕。故事的重点是那六个孩子,有了这么多与常人相异的生活经历,他们却都出奇的健康友善,互相爱护,漂亮明亮,虽然与世隔绝,但并不觉得自己有何异样。小儿子尤其有思想:
“I really didn’t know how people were, and people are basically beasts. Cuz, most people aren’t very friendly, of course, and we were very lucky in Shadyside in that most people in Shadyside were basically friendly people. They were primitive thinkers, but they were real friendly. And they were nice people and most of them were just out to help. You now, instead of out to get ya, they were out to help ya. During winter time, we didn’t have no money and we didn’t basically had no walls around us because they were all so rotten. And people were all the time coming by and offering us heaters and blankets and all kinds of stuff, you know. So it was nice of them, you know. All the people around, they were great. And like I said, they were basically primitive thinkers, but they were nice people.
What do you mean by that?
Primitive thinkers?
I mean, uh, what I mean by that is that, they don’t mind. They don’t mind eating meat and smoking cigarettes and running over that animal that crosses the road and they don’t mind just shooting something and killing something. They don’t mind driving their diesel boats all over the place and spilling motor oil in the water. And the words they say, they’re pretty much foul. And uh, the stuff that they discuss don’t need to be discussed around kids and family. Don’t need to be discussed, period. That’s what I mean by primitive thinkers, just not understanding what right is and what wrong is. They don’t know the difference between the two.
Primitive thinker, is that your term or your dad’s term?
That’s my term. That’s what I’ve learned.
The rest of your family doesn’t seem to feel this way, exactly, though.
They don’t seem to feel this way, because, uh, because I don’t know. They watch a little bit more TV than me, and they listen to more radio. I’m not attacking them when I say it, but, yeah, they’re primitive thinkers. And, uh, it’s not like I made this stuff up. I just deal on the level of right and wrong.
How did you come by your definition of right and wrong?
I didn’t come by it. It’s, uh, it’s right and it’s wrong. There’s not two different rights and there’s not two different wrongs.
But I mean, how did you figure it out then? How do you explain the fact that other people don’t know it and you do?
Well, what I see as being wrong, is what has happend to my dad. That’s what I see as being wrong. You know, they can come into your house with guns and point the guns at you and take what’s yours and do whatever they want. You know, they can come into your house and they can stomp their cigarette butts out on your car, they can pull all your clothes out and throw on the floor and go through your cabinets and dump flour on the floor and your oatmeal and everything on the floor, you know. Just to make a mess. It’s not like you’re hiding something in the oatmeal. Why do they need to do that? They can kick down your doors and break out your windows and they can walk through your house and they can put anything they want in their pockets. For what reason? Because he grew some marijuana and smoked marijuana? Did he force anybody else to smoke this marijuana? No, he didn’t. Was he shooting anybody over this marijuana? You know? No, he wasn’t. He was teaching us kids how to build furniture and how to be real men. And he had time to do all that because he smoked the marijuana and he had time to sit and think about what he had to do. So what happened to him was wrong. That’s what happend to him, the wrong thing. What he was doing was right.”
还是听起来比较方便:This American Life — American Limbo


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