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星期日, 09月 27th, 2009


起飞的时候想起Ladytron的一首歌,a dusty cartridge for the VCS is all the way to see old friends.  歌词在脑海中回响,在随身听上翻了好几遍才找到:Starup Chime, from the album “Light and Magic.”  冲出烟雾层的那一刻回头望去,北京的天空一片污染。然后是东北的深山老林,时不时的一个污染密布的工业城市。看着身下这一片土地竟是依依不舍,只因在机场 跟朋友一个一个的短信道别,平白引出离情。来的时候说是不怕别离不怕别离,可到了还是过不了这一关,切切深情,怎么也放不下。

昨天还在拉 萨,前天还在哲蚌寺和老和尚聊天,听朋友唱着:某月某日那一天,在什么什么山上转经见到你,希望明年还能来相会。在昏暗的殿堂中听着诵经,让朋友帮着打听 密宗和显宗有什么不同。听上去好像密宗是基本课,显宗则是专业。在诺大的寺院里转来转去,看小和尚撒灰欢迎归来的经书老师。又攀登了不知多少台阶和耸立的 梯子,进入一个个殿堂,或拥挤或开阔,或昏灯老僧低垂或阳光灰尘洒落。

告别饭是在朋友家中吃的。他老婆教我们怎么做甜茶,又特地要 老阿妈出门去买了最好的甜茶茶叶。朋友送我一幅唐卡,教我怎么卷起来,如何存放,如何保护,卷好了问我,这上面还差什么,我想了想说,哈达吗?他说对呀, 不然别人会以为你在西藏没有家。当时我就哭了,后来笑问,滴水观音是不是都很爱哭。

从拉萨回京的飞机上格外憎恨其他乘客,也不想见 到北京。这次在西藏呆得并不舒服。行程很赶,很累很脏,时常会怀念西雅图自己家里明亮宽敞洁净的浴室。另外藏汉关系不和,自己的心理负担也觉得比较重,所 以不是不盼望回家的。可不知为何,一旦离开,马上又开始怀念,并对下一个目的地不由自主地产生抵触心理。




飞过中苏边界的时候睡去,半路上提起窗板看深蓝夜空里寒冷永恒的繁星,那三个一线加上旁边的一点,应该是射手座吧,像拉开的弓箭,又像一束花。还记得他说, 穿越夜晚的天空,大西洋上方繁星点点,周围的乘客却没有一个看到它们。又记得不知道哪一次的一弯新月悬在机翼上。恍若隔世。



星期三, 09月 23rd, 2009






星期一, 09月 21st, 2009







星期四, 09月 17th, 2009

本应今早出发飞拉萨,结果早上六点四十被小蛋糕叫醒后的第一个词是FUCK! 第二个动作是飞快下床打电话看能不能转签。飞机七点四十五起飞,赶是赶不上了,问后说是只能明天再走。那么就在北京多留一天吧,正好去把昨天没看完的故宫文华殿武英殿看完,也不是什么坏事。






下午还找到一个好去处,南锣鼓巷帽儿胡同里有一家叫书茶的。。。书店+茶屋。本来现在的南锣鼓巷不去也罢,吵都吵死,这里却好,很清静。老板人也好,好像是从前主人那里买下的,开店也不打算赚钱,就这么风雅着。我看他慈眉善目待人真诚的样子看了半天也搞不懂他这样的人是哪里来的这么多钱开店,不过真心希望他这个店能开下去,下次回来就还能再去。他家店里有个小庭院,桌子不多,摆满了书架,书的选择。。。不是很好,放的音乐。。。是George Winston,等于是钢琴界的Kenny G。不过茶是真不错,据说是他请了三个品茶师特地挑的,看来品茶师不赖,起码能蒙倒我。屋子里靠窗的光线好,院子里一座双盏黄罩路灯好,要是摆个吊床什么的就更美了。把姐姐的书单给他看问他这里有几本,老板一看觉得文化程度高得很,只有笑说不是我的是我姐的。结果他们一本都没有,却很好意的帮我到网上去查,查完了写下来教我怎么去买,好得让人都有点不敢担当如此厚爱。我们进去时饿得半死,他家又刚开张,什么吃的都没有,害得老板很愧疚的叫小弟给我们去外面买了两屉包子。于是我就着普洱吃了好多包子,然后老板又献上一杯安吉白茶。呆了一个多小时,很是惬意。



星期六, 09月 5th, 2009

我坐在北京灰仆仆的凌晨里打坐,脑子里想的却是jetlag这个词。Jetlagged, what a funny word. What is really a conflict created by artificial human constructs aiming to facilitate global commerce and communications is now blamed on the body. 你以非人的速度从地球一端飞到另一端,你的身心灵也许都到了,但有些东西却好像还没到。这不是地球的错也不是飞机的错,于是你的生物钟被指责:你太慢了!你落在喷气机后面。所谓的喷气落后。
打坐是一件很有趣的事。佛教说,常人的心(ordinary mind)老是像个猴子一般乱蹦乱跳,佛心(buddha mind)才是真正的宁静。Tantra却说,意识有四种阶段,平时意识滞留在最粗糙的表面,只有通过冥想才可能进入到深一层再深一层到最高层境界。你已经拥有所有这些意识,你所要做的不过是让自己重新回想起这一切。多么鼓舞人心的故事啊。所以我喜欢Tantra,相比之下佛教的教义就太严肃了,或许这不过是美国佛教的一个特点,总是或多或少带着基督教自责的心态。
打坐一年多,到最近一个月才算正式开始。每天早晚25分钟,是我一天中最宁静最甜蜜最放松的时间。心是猴子,不过这个猴子有跳得越来越慢的趋势。Tantra说,冥想中包含有内敛与外放的两个笔画(inward and outward strokes of meditation),在这两个笔画之中交替来回是最自然不过的事,你的心本身会跟随更有意思的东西。于是我就在这两个笔画中来来回回,也不心急,就当是享受了。

New Mexico My Mexico

星期三, 04月 1st, 2009

I woke at dawn with a parched mouth, dreams scattering like wisps of smoke. The night air was cool and dry, and much to my dismay my mind grew increasingly clear. I reached for the water glass on the bedside table and he stirred, shifting one leg on top of mine. My body froze, half turned, quietly reluctant.
Things are different in New Mexico. Maybe it’s the air, or the sun, or the woody scent of junipers carried on the wind. Maybe it’s the spicy chiles and the open terrain dotted with the suddenness of flat-topped mesas. You could be driving on one of them and never realize it until the descent, when rocky cliffs rise up around you and vast plains open up underneath the road, populated with cottonwood trees cloudy with their tiny branches, encircled by the snow capped mountains afar. It was sunset when we made our return trip from Taos. I watched as the sun settled behind the clouds and sent forth its last rays from beyond the horizon. The sky was heart-breakingly tender with the color of blue-grey-purple, except for the western nest of the sun which was burning up in bright orange and red. We drove on in silence. Me not wanting to speak a single word other than to feel the force of that burning vision deep in my heart.
The GPS showed large chunks of blank. “There is nothing here.” Just vast, beautiful, dramatic, open land.
We took leisurely strolls through town. It was small and quaint. One could walk from one end to the other of downtown Santa Fe in 20 minutes. Convenient and charming. We were each separately fascinated by the adobe houses, their angles and curves, their straight line and smooth roundness, their yellow solidity of hardened mud, their square cut-out windows and long protruding beams. We visited the churches and took pictures of crucifixes and stairs. We bargained with Indian sellers of pottery and silver underneath the awning of the Palace of the Governors. We bought tamales and chicken and beef fajitas off of a food cart on the plaza and wolfed them down on the benches, accompanied by an easy sun and spring breeze.
The Georgia O’Keefe Museum was worth the visit. It featured two biopics and numerous quotes from the artist alongside a rotating exhibition. A few paraphrased quotes: “I’m bad with words. I cannot write about my paintings. So I would rather people not read about them either.” and “I do not paint what I see. I paint what I feel.” and “I see colors and shapes. Some artists don’t have that and it makes them sad. I have it and I can’t get rid of it if I tried.” and “The world gave me so many wonderful things. My paintings are what I have to give back to world.”
Thus armed with a false sense of familiarity, I looked at her paintings and imagined that I knew how she felt. I thought I saw passion and love in her gigantic yet intimate flowers from the 20’s. But strong emotions translated into serenity and openness in her New Mexico landscapes. A skull and a flower, the White Place and the Black Place, that’s what the desert is to her. What’s the desert to me?
We hung out with our friend P, a fellow escapee from the former communist block, who arrived at this country with 60 dollars to his name and proceeded to carve out a piece of material luxury all his own; a self proclaimed misanthrope who hates all people equally; a urologist living with two cats and two pistols and who just purchased a 30-06 rifle capable of killing large animals at considerable distance; a practicing alcoholic who drinks himself into a stupor every night, rain or shine; a man of slight physical stature but incredible agility and strength; an excellent rock climber, an avid skier, a lover of sports, sports gear, and sports cars; an asshole by any standard, who alternately attempts to chase other people off the road in his fiery red Audi and baits others to chase him off the road on his fiery red Ducati, who cuts off angry middle-aged Vail ski bunnies at high speed and then proceeds to call them cunt while explaining the rules of the slope. We love P.
We went skiing at Taos. Or rather we slushed. The sun shined brightly overhead and we almost wanted to strip down to t-shirts. The mountains were ashamedly bare, yet icy unyielding moguls dominated the slopes. We skied for a half day and finished off with carne asada and tacos at Guadalajara Cafe on the outskirts of town. We went hiking at Bandelier, visiting aboriginal caves, following the Falls trail next to the Rio Grande, discovering putrid carcasses of feral cattle along the way.
The evenings were the best part, whether enjoying the sunset on the porch, tequila in hand, or sitting in a Japanese bath house looking at the stars through the slatted bamboo roof. The wind, gentle or insistent, carried the woody scent of juniper and sagebrush, or so I guessed. On the last day we watched the sunset next to a gigantic clanking white iron cross and dined underneath brightly colored paper cut flags at Cafe Pasqual’s. We walked home under an inverted sky, hair tossing about in the wind, holding hands, yet all the time alone under the bright belt of Orion.